Nursery school
Cultural, theatrical, musical, artistic and sportive activities
Taking our inspiration from the British tradition, we attach great importance to cultural, theatrical, musical, artistic and sports activities:

« A book is a window through which one may escape » Julien Green
We are able to boast an extensive library. Together with the teachers, the librarian guides the children in selecting books and reads them stories. Our pupils soon become familiar with the sounds and rhythms of the words and develop an early interest in following a story. As a result, reading becomes a pleasure. This initiation into discovering literary texts constitutes an irreplaceable pillar of their creative development.
Artistic workshop

A specialist teacher initiates the children to painting, drawing techniques and arts and crafts.
In the theatre area, children are allowed to express themselves freely with enthusiasm and imagination, culminating in two school performances: one at Christmas and another at the end of the year. We regularly invite theatre companies and musicians to perform in the school.

Music and singing
A professional musician gives classes in singing, rhythm and percussion. Older children are given the opportunity to join the school choir. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to develop their artistic potential.
We offer a wide range of sports according to the age and the ability of the children, including gymnastics, swimming, dance and judo. The lessons are given by a trained sports teacher at a sports centre near to the school.

Trips and educational outings
Depending on the age of the children, we regularly offer educational outings, teaching excursions or trips to Great Britain (e.g. a farm education centre in the English countryside, London, Guernesey, the Isle of Wight…)
Information technology
Children are initiated to information technology.