Nursery school
Teaching method - Philosophy – Bilingualism - EYFS

Teaching method - Philosophy – Bilingualism - EYFS

In the magical period of early childhood, children’s senses are awakened. To allow your child to develop happily and harmoniously, it is particularly important during this crucial period to provide an environment which stimulates imagination, develops personality and encourages self-confidence. This is why "La Petite Ecole Bilingue", relying on more than 30 years of experience in London and 15 years in Paris, offers a rich and varied curriculum in art, music, theatre, sport and information technology, in addition to traditional education. Each of these activities are led by the child’s teacher or trained professionals qualified in their fields.


Early childhood is also the best time to learn a new language. This is the age when a child’s aptitude to acquire foundations of language is at its highest, when the formation of the child's own phonetic language base is in full swing. Our school's pedagogic project is founded on the learning of the language by using to express oneself during the various activities that are proposed. These activities take place in English or Russian, (depending on the which option is chosen*) with teachers who are native-born speakers. As from Primary school following Nursery school, we introduce French, on the basis of half the day in English and half the day in French. Pupils learning Russian continue their classes in separate groups according to each child's level. Small class sizes and ample supervision allows us to assess each child’s progress individually. Each teacher is effectively aided by an assistant teacher as well as by a polyvalent assistant.

Our school therefore offers a child the solid background required to pursue his or her education.

*Russian option
Russian is an excellent linguistic complement demanding sustained effort, which is rewarded by opening a child’s mind to a different culture which is both rich and original.

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Accueil de La Petite Ecole Bilingue - Stewart International School
